Sunday, May 11, 2008


This week has had the strange quality of both lasting forever and going by too quickly. I can't believe it has already been a week. I am glad this week is over though because straddling senior project work and school work was not exactly fun. Now that My AP's are done, I can totally focus on Senior project. 
I learned that trying to do senior project work and school work is a lot harder than I though it would be, and I need to work on my time management skills. Though the research I did get to do on NAIS and AISGW i liked a lot, and the more I learn and read about independent schools, the more interested I am in them, despite the fact I have only ever gone to Private schools, looking at them from an outsider's perspective is very different. Everything happened pretty much as I expected, except as i said before i was surprised at the challenge of doing two things at once. I will benefit from this week's activities because I got to start some online research for my paper, and have time to set up interviews with all my schools except Sidwell, but I am in the midst of working on that one. 
Sunday has been a very productive day so far. I started my research paper, and finished the intro and am halfway through the first paragraph, I tried to copy and paste it onto my blog, but this will not work for some reason. 
Tomorrow I am off to Georgetown Day School ( GDS) for my first exciting school experience, I am definitely ready to actually visit a school and get some feedback from students, teachers and the admissions people. 

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