Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Today was a fairly busy day. I had my last two classes of the year, and my last ever history class with Phil. There was not really any time to do any significant work on my project, though I did work more on my questionnaire this morning. I also accomplished my goal of setting up times with all the schools I will be visiting, except Maret and I am just waiting on a call back. 
Tomorrow my goal is to survive the AP English exam, and to work on my research paper, and continue research on NAIS and AISGW.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Abbie!

I love the topic you have decided to focus on for your senior project. It sounds like you have already gathered a lot of great information down in DC. I can't wait to read your report when you return! Keep up the good work. We miss you.

Christina Dotchin