Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Today was a very productive day. Yesterday I decided I was going to read the entire book, Beloved by my AP english test on Wednesday. So this morning, I woke up really early and read a lot, then I took a lovely bike ride over to AP US History, which was quite informative. Then I biked home, and began to work on my senior project. I went on the AISGW website, and took notes about the organization, and then also went to the NAIS website. Some of the facts I learned were absolutely fascinating. Such as the fact that a public school teacher in DC makes at least ten thousand more than a private school teacher. When I write my research paper on AISGW and NAIS, I am planning on including not only their basic info, mission statement, statistics, etc, but all the resources both organizations have. For parents new to DC and the world of independent schools, my brochure will be the perfect companionship to the NAIS and AISGW websites. 
I also began writing my questionnaire. This is the questionnaire I will use when I interview students, teachers, and the administration at all of my different schools, this way for each school, I will have three very different sets of answers. This will be helpful for prospective parents because they will get to have a more fully rounded view of a school before deciding if it is the school for them and their children. Ultimately deciding whether or not to send your child to an independent school and which one is a family decisions, and I think having all three points of view ( teacher, student, administration) will be appealing to both parent and student. 
  Lastly, I also emailed back Phil's brother at Episcopal to set up a day to visit, and emailed the administrators at Maret and Sidwell to set up times, respectively. 
All together it was a very productive day, and the more research I do into independent schools in DC, the more interested in them I become. 
My goal for tomorrow is to continue my research on AISGW and NAIS, and create an outline for my paper.

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