Wednesday, May 21, 2008

"CRAM TIME"- Wednesday May 21st

Today was by far my most productive day. This morning I went over to school to catch up with my crazy mentor, Phil and Michele. Then when I got home around noon, I sat down and started creating my book, and I worked and worked, only stopping for food and running. I am stopping now also to write this blog, but after dinner I plan on going back, my goal is to get all the information for the book down, and then tomorrow going back through and fixing typo's and such, so that friday and the weekend will be dedicated to finishing my research paper and writing the self-evaluation. Today, and this is a FACT, i got TWENTY FOUR whopping pages of my book done.

And here is a preview..




1.                 Introduction


2.                 Georgetown Day school ( P. 1-8)


3.                 Episcopal high school ( P. 9-15)


4.                 Field school (  P. 16-23)


5.                 The Maret school (  P. 24-)


6.                 Interview with Randy Plummer, head of the Sheridan school


7.                 Interview with Margie Gottfried, assistant director of admissions and financial aid at Sheridan


8.                 Closing note






     I decided to do this project because private schools have always been a big part of my life. I was born at an all-boys boarding school in Massachussetts, and since then I have been surrounded by the world of independent schools. I created this book because I don’t think there is enough information out there for people new to Washington DC and the bubble of private schools that is easy for a kid to read and understand.

     Over the week and half I was in Washington DC I visited three very different private high schools in Washington and one boarding school in Virginia.

I spent time at Georgetown day school, Episcopal high school, the Field school and Maret.

     This Book contains information, statistics, interviews with students, teachers, and administration, and my personal review of all the four schools. This book also contains an interview with my dad, who is the head of a small private k-8 school in DC, and an interview with my sponsor, Margie Gottfriend, who is the assistant director of admissions and financial aid at Sheridan.

     I hope this book will provide some insight into indepdent schools in Washington DC, and private high schools in general

                    Peace+Love, Abbie


until next time, 





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